Major reviews

Aldo Onorati
It is about metaphysical alchemies. The lightness of the tones, perspective measures, of dream like atmospheres, informs the pictures of this most delicate painter, to whom the strength of provocation does not lack. A silent, shy provocation, whispered, that betrays the contained expressiveness: a poetic of the “said and not said”, a suffused air of love for the celestial shades, is worth to say the transparencies of the skies, where the objects are and they are not, they are condensed and they vanish in tentacular filaments, emblematic, that have a lyrical and meaning value and also, like a connection of the unexpressed ideas, of the soft and incomplete artistic dictation.
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Susanna Misiano
In the essential of the story made for "signs", the artist shapes a diary where a secret is revealed, an intimacy enclosed in the folds and the traces dugged on the surface. It seems that in the sheets of paper, refined notes follow one another from the memories, from the daily experience but also from an artistic culture that recalls on the one hand a surrealism of a cosmic value, far from the psychical automatism, and on the other an abstract language that privileges the continuous iterance of the circle, the perfect shape for excellence, symbol of the spirit of the universe.
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Simone Fappanni
Deep emotions animate the style of the paintings of Beatrice Palazzetti. Threads of light and colour that run out in space, and space nearly becomes an essence. In her paintings there is an abstract and surreal atmosphere that, at first sight, seems to be even impalpable, and shows soon its consistence instead. In this atmosphere the colours seem to move sweetly, almost dancing in a “non-time” which becomes the suspended time in which the observer watches and considers deeply the melody that such an original art seems to lyrically give off. In this way and with this great originality and true poetic talent, Beatrice Palazzetti introduces us to her artistic modus operandi which is able to involve the observer for a “meta-representative” intensity and for that sense of harmonic balance that is one of its deep and intrinsic peculiarity.

Maria Teresa Palitta
Art is a genetic matter in Palazzetti. She is brilliant in xylography where she uses her own method; cosmic and space elements, symmetry and dynamic shapes, textures, structures and journeys towards the light form an admirable whole which is dug in matter and exalted through her natural skill. This kind of art, with its deepness, is key to universe: it opens up the secrets of knowledge and spreads its values. It does not underestimate anything: it explores and forms the unbreakable relation between colour and shape; it explains the meaning of this connection with extreme perfections, making the cell precious and transforming it in sun or nectar's drop.
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Ramon Casalè
The different shapes – just to name them in some way – that appear in her compositions, slowly move forward in the space in full liberty. If we follow our imagination, the shapes can represent both living beings, seen through the microscope, that is, showing their interior world, and surreal and magical elements that go near different aspects in relation to music and poetry – rhythm, melody, silence.
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Mirella Ruggeri
Totally invested from the light, the works of Mrs Palazzetti become abstraction; the most delicate colors, symbol of deep sensibility of a woman and artist are expanded on the burlaps of great format and the subjects outlined with thin and precise feature live like glares of reality in an objective way. Her pictures enunciate for the compositive taste and the good technical level and are unique in their kind, geometric but not rigid.
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Cyta Vacanti
This style of painting comes from an aesthetic and emotional need which refuses every figurative scheme. It only aims at proceeding along invention; it nicely matches itself up with a fascinating serenity, supported by the awareness that everything pulses and lives within its own particular rhythm.
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Boezio Balestrelli
Beatrice Palazzetti does not conform her art to the commercial pictorial tastes; on the opposite, she shows herself as an educator of modern art, so that she offers to the observer those emotions that the observer itself is able to catch. She has reached an expressive freedom through a cautious balance. This Freedom is clearly visible through a refined intelligence in her paintings, and it allows the observer to be in a state of mind of freedom and fantasy that very few artists are able to provoke.
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