Personal exhibitions


Da Peraga Castle (Personal exhibition of engraving) - Italian Engravers Association - Vigonza (Italy)


“Archaeologic Museum of Sezze” Runs - Signs and Forms (Engravings and Sculptures) - Sezze (Italy)


Print “Museum of Soncino - House of the Printers” (Engraving: Frammenti) - Soncino - Cremona (Italy)


Palazzo Stella” gallery (Engraving: Segni e Incroci) - Genova (Italy)


Personal exhibition of pictures - Municipal Modern Art Gallery - Cerreto Laziale (Italy)


"Echi dal profondo" - Personal exhibition of pictures and engraving - "Immagini spazio arte" gallery - Cremona (Italy)


"L'immaginario prende forma" - Personal exhibition of pictures and engraving - "Il tempo ritrovato" gallery - Rome (Italy)


"Linee di fuga" - Personal exhibition of engraving - Rome (Italy)


Show-Concert - Personal exhibition of pictures - Rome (Italy)


Personal exhibition of pictures- Florence (Italy)

Most group exhibitions


“THE STATE OF THE ART at the time of the 60th VENICE BIENNIAL - International Exhibition - Venice Art Gallery - Pisani Palace - San Marco - Venice (Italy) (Special Mention)
“Un p.f. per le feste” - FoyEr Space - Trento (Italy)


Participation in the Official Catalog “THE STATE OF THE ART at the time of the 60th VENICE BIENNIAL” by Giorgio Gregorio Grasso - National Institute of Culture
7th Mini Print Cantabria 2024 - Santander (Spain)
(one artwork has been taken from the Port Authority of Santander Collection - Faro Cabo Mayor Art Center)
International Competition of EX-LIBRIS 2024 - Contratalla - Tarragona (Spain)
Miniprint of Kazanlak 2024 - Kazanlak Art Gallery - Kazanlak (Bulgaria)
“The Journey” - In-Format Artist - Open Atelier - San Marco - Venice (Italy)
“Visioni evocative” (Castrimeniense Academy) - by F. Campegiani - Mastroianni Museum - Marino (Italy)
Mirror - face to face 2024 (Italian and Polish artists).- Club for UNESCO Vicenza - Villa Caldogno (Vicenza Italy)
Miniprint (collateral event) - Villa Caldogno (Vicenza Italy)
44th Mini Print International of Cadaques - ADOGI - Barcelona (Spain)
“Cartons Pluriels ou de l'usage du polyptyque” - Biennale internationale du carton gravé - Ville d'Avray (France)
“Arte e Donna” - Contemporary Art Exhibition - Diocesan Museum - Terni (Italy)
“Un p.f. per le feste” - FoyEr Space - Trento (Italy)


“The shape of colour” by Claudia Zaccagnini - 2 C Gallery - Terni (Italy)
22st Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
11th Biennial International Gravura Douro 2023 - Alijò (Portugal)
“Other Worlds” - 14th Festival of the Artist's Book and of the small editions - ILDE Association - Barcelona (Spain)
“My own garden pocket book” - 13th Festival of the Artist's Book and of the small editions - ILDE Association - Reggio Emilia (Italy)
“Archival sheets” - FoyEr - Trento (Italy)
15th Gielniak Graphic Arts Competition - Karkonoskie Museum - Jelenia Gòra (Poland)
12th International Competition “Ex Libris - Bodio Lomnago Library” (Italy) -
(Honorable Mention of the Jury)


“Contaminazioni di luce” - Castrimeniense Academy - Municipal Museum “U. Mastroianni” Marino (Italy)
“Prize Antonio Canova 2022” - Arte in Cammino Association - Angelica Library - Rome (Italy)
(Special Mention for the sculpture)
Mini Print Cantabria Collection in Lublin - Poland
“5th Global Print 2022”- Alijò (Portugal)
10th Ediztion Miniprint of Kazanlak - Kazanlak Art Gallery - Kazanlak (Bulgaria)
21st Annual Mini Print of Fine Art Printing - Lessedra Gallery - Sofia (Bulgaria)
42st Mini Print International of Cadaques - ADOGI - Barcelona (Spain)
“The Sacred in the Contemporary” - House Museum of G. Pierluigi da Palestrina - Palestrina (Italy)
“Dentro l'uragano” - Artistic-literary Event - Castrimeniense Academy - “Sforza Cesarini” Palace - Genzano (Italy)
“Dentro l'uragano” - Artistic-literary Event - Castrimeniense Academy - Art Gallery “Campioli” - Monterotondo (Italy)
“Dentro l'uragano” - Artistic-literary Event - Castrimeniense Academy - Municipa Museum “U. Mastroianni” Marino (Italy)
“Capitolium Prize 2022” - Arte in cammino Association - Appia Antica Park - Rome (Italy) -
(First Prize for sculpture)
Biennale internationale du carton gravé - Ville d´Avray (French)


Author's Greetings, Cartulae Nataliciae and ... - Diego Donati Gallery - Perugia (Italy)
Author's Paintings and Wines - Giorgio Borghesani Center for Contemporary Art - Palestrina (Italy)
Dante '700 - Contemporary art from Italy and the world - Society of artists “House of Dante” - Florence (Italy)
“In the name of Dante” - Archaeological Museum - Sezze (Italy)
10th International Biennial of EX-LIBRIS - Contratalla 40 years - Tarragona (Spain)
2nd International Biennial of Engraving and Sculpture - Pasquale Celommi Foundation - Teramo (Italy)
15th International biennial of Engraving - Acqui Terme (Italy)
3rd Biennial of Mediterranean Art online - Cris Pietrobelli Foundation - Pisa (Italy)
41st Miniprint International of Cadaques - ADOGI - Barcelona (Spain)
“Art on Tour” - Cultural Association “I due Colli” - Church of Santa Maria Nuova - Gubbio (Italy)
9th Press Festival - Cervantes Institute of Bordeaux - Bordeaux (French)
“NeroThema” - Cultural Association La Medusa - online Exhibition - Gubbio (Italy)
“L'Incisione” - Engraving Workshops - online Exhibition - Rome (Italy)


“Calma apparente” - Elle Art Gallery - Preganziol (Italy)
17th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms - Lodz (Poland)
10th International Printmaking Biennial Douro 2020 - Alijò (Portugal)
Miniprint Kazanlak - International Contemporary Miniprint - Kazanlak (Bulgaria)
Biennale internationale du carton gravé - Ville d´Avray (French)
“Engravig. The seductions of the sign” Praetorian Palace - Castrocaro Terme (Italy)
“from Raphael to Modigliani - traces of an artistic path” by Gianni Ottaviani - Marino Palace - Milano (Italy)


“Tribute to Giacomo Leopardi” by Gianni Ottaviani - Marino Palace -Milano (Italy)
“Paintings & Author Wines” - Archaeologic Museum of Sezze - Sezze (Italy)
“Leonardo infinite spirit” - “Il Grifo Arte” Association - Diocesan Museum - Velletri (Italy)
“Bookmark of artist 2019” - Bocca Library - Milano (Italy)
Mater Mediterranea - ArtinArt - International Islamic Center - Rome (Italy)
2nd International Competition of ExLibris - “Officine Incisorie” - Tuscolano Museum of Frascati (Italy)
42th International Trophy “Medusa Aurea” - International Accademy of Modern Art - Rome
(2nd prize of the engraving section)
“In name of Leonardo” - Municipal Museum Umberto Mastroianni - Marino (Italy)
5th “Enter into Art” International Installations - Cologne - Bonn - Bad Ems (Germany)
5th Mestre Reward Alberto Benvenuti “P.F.” - Circle of Engravers 3C - Mestre (Italy)


“PerFormArs” - Castrimeniense Accademy - Municipal Museum Umberto Mastroianni - Marino (Italy)
“Italian Graphic Art 2018” - Vigonza Castle - Padova (Italy)
5th National Biennial Exhibition of “Bronzetto” (Small fusions of bronze) - Verona (Italy)
2nd Biennial Exhibition Mediterranean Art - Foundation Cris Pietrobelli - Pisa (Italy)
9th International Printmaking Biennial Douro 2020 - Alijò (Portugal)
(the graphic work has been taken from the Printmaking Collection of the Douro Museum)
2nd Biennial “É CARTA” - Exhibition of Small Format Contemporary Papers - Cassina dé Pecchi - Milan (Italy)
“Fare Libri 6” - Festival of the Artist's Book - Reggio Emilia (Italy)
“Forme nello spazio” - Sculptures - Il Grifo Arte Association - Diocesan Museum - Terni (Italy)
“Convergenze” - ex Latin Paper Mill - Appia Ancient Regional Park - Rome (Italy)
“Decennial Castrimeniense Accademy” - Municipal Museum Umberto Mastroianni - Marino (Italy)
“Without frontiers” - Archaeologic Museum of Sezze - Sezze (Italy)
“Book Secret” - 11th Festival of the Artist's Book and of the small editions - ILDE Association - Barcelona (Spain)
(The book is taken from the ILDE Association)
“Ritmi e Cromie delle Acque” - ex Latin Paper Mill - Appia Ancient Regional Park - Rome (Italy)
14th Gielniak Graphic Arts Competition - Karkonoskie Museum -Jelenia Gòra (Poland)
(The graphic works are taken from the Karkonoskie Museum)


“Terni City Prize G.L.G. Byron” - 13th edition - Diocesan Museum - Terni (Italy)
“Fare Libri 5 ” - Festival of the Artist's Book - Reggio Emilia (Italy)
“Forms and Color” - Hill of the Cathedral Museum - Viterbo (Italy)
16th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms - Lodz (Poland)
“Naturally a book” - 10th Festival of the Artist’s Book and of the small editions - Barcelona (Spain)
“In walk with St.Charles of Sezze” - Archaeologic Museum of Sezze - Sezze (Italy)
(Prize St. Charles of Sezze)
“Narni City Prize 2017” - ninth edition - Eroli Building Museum - Narni (Italy)
(3th classified)
“Generazioni a Confronto” Secocond Edition - Ancient Typography Rooms - St. Nilo Abbey - Grottaferrata (Italy)
“First Italian Engravers Competition” 2017 - Vigonza - Padova (Italy)
(Special Mention)
Engravings to the female one - International Biennial - Controsegno Gallery - Pozzuoli - Naples (Italy)
Runs of Art in Italy - Mitreo Contemporary Art - Rome (Italy)
Mestre Reward Alberto Benvenuti “P.F.” - Circle of Engravers 3C - Mestre (Italy)


“Contemporary Italian Engravers 2016” - Vigonza Castle - Padova (Italy)
“Cartulae Nataliciae” - Author's wishes - Diego Donati Gallery - Perugia (Italy)
12th AMACI The Contemporary's day - “Per Daniela” - New Park of Art - Mogliano Veneto (Italy)
“Passion and Color” Castrimenienze Accademy - St. Nilo Abbey - Grottaferrata (Italy)
Dialogues - 528 Gallery - Course Street - Roma (Italy)
4th National Biennial Exhibition of “Bronzetto” (Small fusions of bronze) - Verona (Italy)
4th Graphic Biennial - “Padre Diego Donati O.F.M.” Association - Perugia (Italy)
1st Internationale Ex Libris Competition - Officine Incisorie - St. Nilo Abbey - Grottaferrata (Italy)
“Arte in Arti e Mestieri” 16th Edition - Art and Works Scool F. Bertazzoni - Suzzara (Italy)
Ex Libris Competition “Il Bosco Stregato” - Solstizio d'estate Association - Bosia (Italy))
“Is Paper” - La forza del segno - Cassina de' Pecchi - Milano (Italy)
PalioArte “Given a work” - Palestrina (Italy)
8th International Printmaking Biennial Douro 2016 - Alijò (Portugal)
15th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
“Beyond the Books 2016” - Angelica Library - Rome (Italy)
“The book game” - 9th Festival of the Artist’s Book and of the small editions - Barcelona (Spain)
“Nel nome del Padre” The Sacred in the Contemporary Art - Archaeological Municipal Museum “E. Rosa” - Amelia (Italy)
7th Kiwa Exhibition 2016 - Kyoto International Woodprint Association - Municipal Museum - Kyoto (Japan)
“MAIL ARTV” Review of Postal Art - Italart - Cremona (Italy)
13th Gielniak Graphic Arts Competition - Karkonoskie Museum -Jelenia Gora (Poland)
“Guarino Collection and Contemporary Artists” - Archaeologic Museum of Sezze - Sezze (Italy)


“Artist Associations Exhibition” - Velletri (Italy)
“Contemporary Italian Engravers 2015” - Vigonza Castle - Padova (Italy)
“Generazioni a confronto” - Cultural Association Artinart - Genzano - Rome (Italy)
“LIBRI MAI MAI VISTI” - 21th Edition (VACA Book of Artist) - Russi (Italy)
“To Feed the Body, To Feed the Mind” - Ex Libris and Small Engravings - Print Museum of Soncino - Cremona (Italy)
“Geometrie dell'Anima” - Racchetta Building - Ferrara (Italy)
“Peace is in Flames” - Poetries and you sprout critical on the peace - Exosphere Association - Reggio Emilia (Italy)
“Beyond the Books” - Angelica Library - Rome (Italy)
“In Arte” - Badia Museum - Vaiano (Italy)
“Tra le Carte” - La_Lineaartecontemporanea Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Segno Colore e Materia” - Archaeological Municipal Museum “E. Rosa” - Amelia (Italy)
“Il Sacro nel Contemporaneo” - Municipal Museum “Umberto Mastroianni” - Marino (Italy)
International Prize La Pigna - La Pigna Gallery - Building Maffei Marescotti - Rome (Italy) -
(work signalled by the jury)
Engravings to the female one - International Biennial - Controsegno Gallery - Pozzuoli - Naples (Italy)
“Emozioni d'autore” - La Pigna Gallery - Building Maffei Marescotti - Rome Italy)


Second International Print Biennial - Čačak (Serbia)
“The Knowledge” - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Gallery - Rome (Italy)
Diego Donati Prize - 3th Graphic Biennial - Paolina Fortress - Perugia (Italy)
“Visione Monocroma” - Stables of the Ruspoli building - Nemi (Italy)
“Contemporary Italian Engravers 2014” - Da Peraga Castle - Vigonza - Padova (Italy)
Paintings and wines of author - Building of the Corgna - Città della Pieve (Italy)
“Cartulae Nataliciae” - Author's wishes - Diego Donati Gallery - Perugia (Italy)
3th National Biennial Exhibition of “Bronzetto” (Small fusions of bronze) - Verona (Italy)
“STAMPA DUE” - Atelier Controsegno - Pozzuoli (Italy)
“On the Road” - Graphic Biennail Exhibition - On the Road Art Gallery - Gallarate (Italy)
7th International Printmaking Biennial Douro 2014 - Alijò (Portugal)
15th Triennial Small Graphic Forms -Lodz (Poland)
13th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
“Food's Ideas” - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Black Out” - 7th Festival of the Artist’s Book and of the small editions - Barcelona (Spain)
International Mail-Art on paper Exhibition “Fire, Water, Earth“ Part 2 - Bulgarian National Radio Shumen - Shumen (Bulgaria)
“L'anima e le forme” - Academy of Romania - Rome (Italy)
International Mail-Art on paper Exhibition “Feu, Eau et Terre” - Castle of Tronjoly - Gourin (French)
“NUMBER ONE” - Atelier Controsegno - Pozzuoli (Italy)


S.P.Q.R.”Small format - Saman Collection Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Koine' 2013” - Twenty Gallery - Torino (Italy)
“Artisti alla ribalta” - Archaeological Museum of Olbia (Italy)
(4th prize of the engranving section)
“Contemporary Italian Engravers 2013” - Da Peraga Castle - Vigonza - Padova (Italy)
“LIBRI MAI MAI VISTI” - 19th Edition (VACA Book of Artist) - Russi (Italy)
“Identità e Percorsi” - Building of the Corgna - Città della Pieve (Italy)
“Arte Capri 2013” - Anacapri Art Gallery - Capri Island (Italy)
“Artisti in permanenza” - Saman Collection Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Tribute to the 150th anniversary of the unity of Italy” - Archaeological Museum of Olbia (Italy)
“Global Print 2013”- Alijò (Portugal)
“Interferenze” - Badia Museum - Vaiano-Prato (Italy)
24th Review of Numered art “Bartolo from Sassoferrato” in the Ex-libris - Sassoferrato (Italy)
12th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
“Blanc” - Graver Maintenant - Rueil-Malmaison - (French)
Engravings to the female one - Controsegno - Monumental Complex of Castel dell'Ovo - Naples (Italy)
“La Cortesia” - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Koiné 2013” - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy)


2012 Italian Graphic Art Exhibition - Da Peraga Castle - Vigonza - Padova (Italy)
2nd National Biennial Exhibition of “Bronzetto” (Small fusions of bronze) - Verona (Italy)
3th International Biennial Ex Libris Palladio - Vicenza (Italy)
“Koiné” - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy)
7th International Triennial of Graphic Art - Bitola (Macedonia)
“Geometrie dell'anima” - Zenobio Palace - Dorsoduro - Venice (Italy)
6 th International Competition “Ex Libris Bodio Lomnago Library” (Italy)
11th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
“Convivenze” - Archaeological Muicipal Museum “E. Rosa” - Amelia (Italy)
“Geometrie dell'anima” - Atelier Chagall - Milano (Italy)
“Cultural contact III. In the Labyrinth” - Cloister of “San Francesco” Monastery - Alatri (Italy)
International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2012 - Baja Mare (Romania)
“The New Book” - 5th Festival of the book of artist and the small edition - Barcelona (Spain)
RelazionARSi - Locanda Martorelli - Ariccia Rome (Italy)
Mestre Prize “P.F.” - “Lo Sturzo Gallery” - Mestre Venice (Italy)


"Tecniche miste" - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy)
"Carte in Fiera" - Cloister of "San Francesco" Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
“Il Segno 2011” - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy)
6th Ex Libris Prize “Contratalla” - Tarragona (Spain)
10th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Giuseppe Boldini Foundation - Mogliano Veneto (Italy) - 150 years of Italian Unity - The sculpture "Il vento della libertà" is taken from the G. Boldini Foundation
“Metamorphosis - tribute of the trasformation” - L'Agostiniana gallery -Rome (Italy)
6th Kiwa Exhibition 2011 - Kyoto International Woodprint Association - Municipal Museum - Kyoto (Japan)
“En Volume” Graver Maintenant - Rueil-Malmaison - (French)
Show of minipainting and minisculpture - Modern Art Gallery “ALBA” - Ferrara (Italy)


Giustizia e pace si baceranno” - Castrimeniense Accademy - Marino (Italy)
La Muestra Oscura - “Aires de Córdoba”Association - Córdoba (Spain)
"Carte in Fiera" - Cloister of "San Francesco" Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
Mnemosine Prize 2010 assigned to Beatrice Palazzetti - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Association - Rome (Italy)
9th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
42th Spring Prize - Artist Club - Foggia (Italy)
33th International trophy "Medusa Aurea" - A.I.A.M. Rome (Italy) -
(2nd prize of the sculpture section)
Bijoux d'Autore” - Incontri Eventi Association - Rome (Italy)
“Human Book” – International travelling exhibition of Book of Artist - Barcelona (Spain)
“Laudato sì, mi Signore, per sora nostra matre terra” - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Gallery – Rome (Italy)
2nd Engraving Competition “Pro Festivitate” - Mestre Venice (Italy) - Torre Strozzi - Parlesca (Italy)
“Tante vie” – Cultural association Castrimeniense Accademy - Casale dei Monaci - Ciampino - Rome (Italy)
“Abstract” - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy) - College Palace - Imperia (Italy)


Permanent intenatiotional Competition “Oggifuturo” - 2009 session - Reggio Calabria (Italy) (1st prize of the paint)
58th Picture Fair - S. Vidal U.C.A.I. Gallery – Venice (Italy)
“Probabili Indizi” - 5th Festival of crime writing - Cultural associoation Satura - Genova (Italy)
2009 Italian Graphic Art Exhibition - Da Peraga Castle - Vigonza - Padova (Italy)
"Bijoux d'autore" Competition 2009 - "Incontri Eventi" Association - Rome (Italy) (3th Classified)
Il Colore dell'anima - Cultural Centre San Vitale - Cremona (Italy)
Ex Libris - Arti Grafiche Colombo - Gessate - Milano (Italy)
“Carte in Fiera” - Cloister of “San Francesco” Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
Il Segno - Zamenhof Gallery - Milano (Italy)
Intenatiotional Print Competition 100th Anniversary - Musée Yozo Hamaguchi – Tokyo (Japan)
8th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Femal Engravers - “Aquila di mare” Organization - Naples (Italy)
32th International trophy "Medusa Aurea" - A.I.A.M. Rome (Italy) - (4th prize of the paint section)
5th International biennial of engraving - Albi (French)
“Imagine Book” – International travelling exhibition of Book of Artist - Barcelona (Spain)
The artist egg – 8th edition (sculpture) - Il Granarone - Calcata (Italy)
Mise à Jour - Graver Maintenant - Rueil-Malmaison - (French)
Giù la maschera 2 - Artist Masks - Arte Bastia Gallery - Milano (Italy)
Giù la maschera 1 - Artist Masks - Municipal Museum “Mastroianni” Marino (Italy)
1st Engraving Competition “Pro Festivitate” - Municipal Tower of Mestre - Venice (Italy)


Engraving Art - “Il Trittico” Gallery - Rome(Italy)
"Fabbricanti di Libri" - International prize of book of artist - Sannicola & Aradeo (Italy)
2008 Italian Grafic Art Exhibition - Vigonza (Italy)
Opening of Giuseppe Boldini Foundation - “Il Tempo Ritrovato” Gallery - Rome (Italy)
12th International prize ”Massenzio Arte” - ISA - Rome (Italy)
“Carte in Fiera” - Cloister of “San Francesco” Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
Giuseppe Boldini Foundation - Sculpture Exhibition - Mogliano Veneto (Italy)
Ex Libris “De Libera Universitate” - Insubria University - Varese (Italy)
28th Mini Print International of Cadaqués - Spain
2nd Lefkas International Triennial EX LIBRIS - LEFKAS (Greece)
9th International miniature art biennial - Ville-Marie (Québeq) Canada
7th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Hundred ideas against the famine - Association Les Cultures - Lecco (Italy)
9th International Showcase (Book of Artist) - Casanatense Library - Rome (Italy) -
This work is taken from the Casanatense Library in Rome
Tribute to "Frate Jacopa" - Picture Gallery - Assisi (Italy)
First International Show of Contemporary Art - Capalbio Castle (Italy)
The artist egg – 7th edition (sculpture) - Il Granarone - Calcata (Italy)
First International trophy of painting sculpture and engraving “Eiffel” - Arte Città Amica Gallery - Torino (Italy)


9th Italian Grafic Art Exhibition 2007 - Vigonza (Italy)
12th National Contemporary Art competition - 8th Saturarte Prize - Genova (Italy)
“Carte in Fiera” - Cloister of “San Francesco” Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
8th International Biennial of Engraving - Acqui Terme (Italy)
4th International biennial of engraving - Albi (French)
6th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Show 2006 - 2007 - Mnemosine award - Il Tempo Ritrovato Gallery - Rome (Italy)
"Islands" - 8th International Showcase (Book of Artist) - Rome (Italy)
Tribute to “Frate Jacopa” - Lo Storico Cantiere - Marino (Italy)
“The city within a book” - I libri di Alice - Barcelona (Spain)
5th Kiwa Exhibition 2007 - Kyoto International Woodprint Association - Municipal Museum - Kyoto (Japan)
“En Liberté Suspendue” - Graver Maintenant - Rueil-Malmaison - (French)
“Noi Robinson” - Il Tempo Ritrovato gallery - Rome (Italy)
Artperiscope calendar - Czestochowa (Poland)
First International Exhibition small format “Aires de Córdoba” - Córdoba – Spain
“Proposte #2” - Foyer Valli & Visconti – Eliseo Theatre – Rome (Italy)


Proposte #1” - Foyer Valli & Visconti – Eliseo Theatre – Rome (Italy)
10th International prize ”Massenzio Arte” - ISA - Rome (Italy)
“Ponte e colori” - Il Ponte Association - San Vidal Gallery - Venice (Italy)
“Fuori luogo” - International travelling showcase (Book of Artist) - Prato - Bologna - Vicenza - Rovereto (Italy) -
This work is taken from the Casanatense Library in Rome
Laboratorio VII” - “Il quadrato di omega” Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Carte in Fiera” - Cloister of “San Francesco” Monastery - Bagnacavallo - Ravenna (Italy)
“La festa degli angeli”- International Centre OAD - Rome (Italy)
Biennial of Gravicel - “Graveur de Lune(s)” - Lille (French)
4th Bellini Prize 2006 - Cascina -Pisa (Italy)
4th International biennial of miniature art – Czestochowa (Poland)
“Art for the life” (in favour of AISM) – Cremona (Italy)
29th International trophy "Medusa Aurea" – A.I.A.M. Rome (Italy)-
(4th prize of the poetry section)
5th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2006 - Baja Mare (Romania)
“Fuori Luogo” - 7th International Showcase (Book of Artist) - Rome (Italy)
XXIIème Salon de l'Estampe Contemporaine – Format 21 x 21 – Rueil-Malmaison – (French)
"5th Egyptian International Print Triennial 2006" - Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)


7th Engraving Biennial Exhibition V.G. Arte - Rende (Italy) - (VG Arte prize)
LIBRI MAI MAI VISTI” - 11th Edition (VACA Book of Artist) - Russi (Italy)
Alitalia for the Art (Art studio “Il Ponte”) - Airport “Leonardo da Vinci” - Rome (Italy)
TISVA - 1st International Turkish Grameen Micro-Credit Art biennial Exhibition - Ankara (Turkish Republik)
1st Lefkas International Triennial EX LIBRIS - LEFKAS (Greece)
Sacred painting - VII Centennial of death “San Nicola da Tolentino” - Rome (Italy)
28th painting and engraving competition "Cristoforo Marzaroli" - Salsomaggiore Terme (Italy)
“Laboratorio VI” - Il quadrato di omega Gallery - Rome (Italy)
3rd “Biennal internacional de dibuix Josep Amat” - Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain)
3rd International biennial of engraving - Albi (French)
Art of summer solstice - Alkaest 2005 - Trestina (Italy)
“Passaparola” - 6th International showcase “ Libro d'Artista” - Rome (Italy)
Show 2004 - 2005 - Mnemosine award - Il tempo Ritrovato Gallery - Rome (Italy)
WWArP World Web Art Prize 2004 - 2005 - Cremona (Italy)
4th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia (Bulgaria)
“Sognando la Foresta” - Il tempo Ritrovato Gallery - Rome (Italy)
XXXII International engraving competiton “Carmen Arozena” - Santa Cruz de la Palma - Canary Islands (Spain)


XII ESTAMPA - Salón Internacional de Grabado - Madrid (Spain)
Italian Artist in Prague “Il Ponte” - Zelezna Gallery - Prague (Czech Republic)
International small engraving Salon Carbunari - Baia Mare (Romania)
International Competition Ex libris “El sol y la luna” - Sempere Museum Buenos Aires (Argentine)
“La felicità non costa niente” - Il tempo Ritrovato Gallery - Rome (Italy)
“Laboratorio V” - Il quadrato di omega Gallery - Rome (Italy)
7th International competition “Lorenzo Lotto” -
(4th prize of the engraving section) - Monte San Giusto (Italy)
International Competition Cremona 2000 - Trophy “Luigi Valenti” 2004 -
(first prize of the engraving section) - Cremona (Italy)
"Le forme dello spirito" - Sculpture symposium - Pescosansonesco (Italy)
"Summer in Torre Strozzi" - Parlesca (Italy)
The grand show - Lankershim Art Gallery - North Hollywood - (USA)
"Tribute to the Butterfly" (ex libris) - Guadalupe - Zacatecas - Mexico
Show 2003 - 2004 - Mnemosine award - Il tempo Ritrovato Gallery - Rome (Italy)
3rd Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Sofia - (Bulgaria)
"Art on summer solstice" - "the fire" - Alkaest - Trestina (Italy)
Brotherhood - Egypt and Italy - Pharaana - Alexandria (Egypt)
The water - engraving and photography - Chigi Palace - Formello (Italy)
The artist egg - 3rd edition (sculpture) - Il Granarone - Calcata (Italy)
International Artexpo New York 2004 – Javits Convention Center – New York (USA)
5th International biennial exhibition of art (CIAC) - Rome (Italy)


5th International Graphic Competition for Exlibris Gliwice 2003 - Gliwice (Poland)
“Laboratorio IV” - Il quadrato di omega Gallery - Rome (Italy)
Museum of the Royal House of Portugal ("Triade" - oil painting)
5th Mini graphic & painting world wide show ITART 2003 - Pisa (Italy)-
(Honour Mention)
6th International Biennial of Engraving - Acqui Terme (Italy)
XXVI International trophy "Medusa Aurea" - International Academy of Modern Art
(first prize of the engraving section) - Rome (Italy)
First International Biennial Competition for Exlibris Sofia '03 - International EXLIBRIS Center Sofia (Bulgaria)
6th Engraving Biennial Exhibition V.G. Arte - Rende (Italy) -
(Prize of the xylography section)
Egyptian Cultural Center - Engraving exhibition - Rome (Italy)
“L'Angelo Azzurro” gallery - "Emozioni di colore" - Rome (Italy)
"4th Egyptian International Print Triennial 2003" - Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)
"Mairie du IVème Arrondissement de Paris" - Engraving Exhibition - Paris (French)
Festival of Minipainting - EuropArt - Bologna (Italy)
Museoapertoallaperto Museum (sculpture "Curiosità inespresse") - Olevano Romano (Italy)
Cover of three books for Sovera publishing house – Rome (Italy)


"First National prize of Contemporary Art" (Prize of the Puglia Region) - Nardò (Italy)
"La Solidarietà" - Female Consult of the Lazio Region - Rome (Italy)
"Gran premio del decennale" – Showcase of painting and engraving works
(Prize "Ermes"for the engraving) – Rende (Italy)
Joker exhibition in Internet – Modedia – Buenos Aires (Argentine)
10th International Showroom of Plastic Arts ACEA
(first prize of the "Lyric Abstraction" section) - Barcelona (Spain)
8th International Contemporary Engraving Biennial in Internet - Trace2002 - Paris (French)
Logo of the "Eurovespa 2002" – World Concentration of Vespa – Viterbo (Italy)


Christmas exhibition - Slovenijales Gallery - Ljubljana (Slovene)
4th International Competition of Contemporary Painting – Monte San Giusto (Italy)
5th Engraving Biennial Exhibition – Rende (Italy)
2nd World Festival of Art on Paper (short-list selected) - Bled (Slovene)
"Nel Segno dell'Incisione" - Travelling exhibition of engraving - Italian Foreign Instituts of Arts – Rome (Italy), Cuenca (Spain), Lisbona (Portugal), Madrid (Spain), Mexico City (Mexico)


7th International Contemporary Engraving Biennial in Internet - Trace2000 - Paris (French)
Espace Richelieu - Le carre d'or - Paris (French)
World Festival of Art on Paper - Kranj (Slovene)
Award "Città di Pizzo" – 46th edition - Pizzo (Italy)
"Il Canovaccio" gallery – Rome (Italy)
The cinema island – 6th edition - "La nave dei sogni" - Tiberina Isle – Rome (Italy)
"Dal novecento al futuro" Art and Music - Fermo (Italy)
Project "Sacrosanto" – Council Department for the Arts Rome – International exhibition in Internet


5th International Showroom of Plastic Arts ACEA - Barcelona (Spain)
International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Florence (Italy)
Art Studio "Il Ponte" - Barcelona (Spain)


Showcase of Contemporary Artists (Special Mention of the Jury)Florence (Italy)
"Il Canovaccio" gallery - Rome (Italy)


"Estate Viterbese" – Viterbo (Italy)
"Omaggio alla musica" - Fermo (Italy)


"Spazio Visivo" gallery - Rome (Italy)


45th Art review "G.B. Salvi" - Sassoferrato (Italy)


Cultural Center of the Bank of Italy - Show-Concert - "AquAria" – Rome (Italy)
44th Art review "G.B. Salvi" - Sassoferrato (Italy)
A watercolour opera "Nota Rossa" has been published in the number ten of the Octandre Notebooks of the Musician Chiara Maresca


Exposure room "Al lume di candela" - Florence (Italy)
Cultural Center of the Bank of Italy – Rome (Italy)


Collective show at the "Ghione” Theater (concerts of the I.M.I.) - Rome (Italy)
Cultural Center of the Bank of Italy – Rome (Italy)